Best Water Distillers for Home Image

8 Best Water Distillers for Home Review 2024: Expert’s Picks

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In this article, I’ll show you the reviews of the 8 best water distillers for home.

Distillation is one of the water purification processes used to purify contaminated water to produce clean and low TDS drinking water for your family.

The water distillation method has been used a long time ago to purify water, and it is still one of the most effective ways to purify water until today.

The distillation process can get rid of a majority of harmful contaminants from the water through a boiling and cooling process.

The good news for you is this type of water purification technology is available for households.

By the end of this article, you’ll learn how the home water distillers work in producing one of the purest water for drinking purposes.

Top 8 Best Home Water Distillers (Quick Overview)

Here are the top 8 best water distillers for home:

  1. H2o Labs Water DistillerBest Home Water Distiller
  2. Pure Water Mini-Classic CT DistillerBest Production Distiller
  3. CO-Z Water DistillerBest Value Water Distiller
  4. Waterwise 9000 DistillerGreat Water Distiller
  5. VEVOR Countertop Water DistillerBest Smart Water Distiller
  6. Megahome Water DistillerGreat Water Distiller
  7. Seeutek Water Alcohol DistillerBest Alcohol Water Distiller
  8. CNCShop Water DistillerBest Budget Water Distiller

What Is Distilled Water?

Distilled water is the water that produced through a process called water distillation.

It is one of the purest waters available to consumers.

But unlike in the past where you have to boil the water and collect the condensed steam, now you can get distilled water easily with a water distiller at home.

During the distillation process, water is boiled and evaporate as steam, and the steam is then condensed to distilled water.

After the distillation process, the contaminants in water are separated from the distilled water.

As the distillation process removes most contaminants including harmful microorganisms, distilled water is one of the cleanest and safest water to drink.

Due to the purity of distilled water, it is often used in various applications like car cooling systems, lab testing, etc.

The distilled water has a lower pH level and tastes flat as the minerals are left in the steam chamber.

Generally, distilled water has a pH level of 7 or below, which makes it neutral or slightly acidic (when exposed to carbon dioxide in the air).

Some people may dislike the taste of distilled water due to a lack of minerals.

The pH of Distilled Water

Theoretically, the pH level of distilled water is 7, which is neutral. But in the real world, the pH level could be lower due to dissolved carbon dioxide in the air.

The Benefits of Drinking Distilled Water

Here are some of the great benefits of drinking distilled water.

Free of contaminants

Distilled water is free from contaminants like Nitrates/Nitrites, Copper (increased risk of Alzheimer’s), Barium (can cause heart problems), Microorganisms (can cause serious illness), and Chlorine (bad taste and odor).

High Purity

Distilled water is one of the purest drinking waters available in the world.


Drinking distilled water can significantly reduce your cost of buying bottled water and protect the environment from plastic waste at the same time.

The 8 Best Water Distillers Review

Here are the review of the top 8 best water distillers for home.

1. H2o Labs Water Distiller Review

1.H2o Labs Water Distiller Review image

The H2o Labs Water Distiller is one of the best water distillers for home and office.

The water distiller can effectively remove contaminants in water through the evaporation and condensation process.

It has an activated carbon filter to remove any residual contaminants after the distillation process.

It is small and easy to install and use, just fill up the chamber with tap water and turn on the distiller to let it do the work.

The heating elements will take about 5 hours to produce 1 gallon of distilled water, which is best for singles and small families.

The stainless-steel steam chamber makes it durable, safe, and easy to clean.


  • Produce pure water
  • Stainless steel and food-grade BPA-free material
  • Include an activated carbon filter


  • Slightly expensive
  • Take a slightly longer to produce distilled water

2. Pure Water Mini-Classic CT Distiller Review

2. Pure Water Mini-Classic CT Distiller Review

The Pure Water Mini-Classic CT Distiller is a compact, stylish, and affordable countertop water distiller for home use.

It can remove a large spectrum of contaminants like lead, fluoride, chlorine, and microorganisms.

It has a stainless steel body and can be placed on a countertop without taking much space.

The water distiller can produce 6.4 gallons of distilled water a day, good enough for singles and small to medium families.

Besides, the installation and operation are very simple, just fill up the distiller with tap water, turn it on and wait for the jar to fill up the distilled water.

All the features and affordable price tag make it the best water distiller for home.


  • Compact
  • Stainless steel body and BPA-free material
  • Includes an activated carbon filter
  • Easy to set up and use


  • Take time to produce distilled water

3. CO-Z Water Distiller Review

3.CO-Z Water Distiller Review

The CO-Z Water Distiller is a high-efficient water distiller that is approved by the FDA.

The water distiller can remove contaminants like dissolved solids, and bacteria to protect your family from unhealthy water.

It can produce 1.2 gallons of water in about 3 hours, which is pretty fast thanks to the efficient heating element inside the steam chamber.

The CO-Z water distiller has a low water auto switch-off feature to protect the water distiller from overheating.


  • Fast production rate
  • Stainless-steel body and BPA-free container


  • Nothing too specific to mention

4. Waterwise 9000 Home Distiller Review

4. Waterwise 9000 Home Distiller Review

The Waterwise 9000 Water Distiller is another great choice when considering the best water distiller for your home.

It is easy to use, portable, and lightweight.

You can carry along when you are traveling.

It comes to two parts, which are the boiler and dispenser/collector, which makes it easy to clean.

The water distiller is capable to produce 5 gallons of distilled water every day, which is enough for medium size family.


  • Fast distillation rate
  • Compact and lightweight


  • Nothing too specific to mention

5. VEVOR Countertop Water Distiller Review

5. VEVOR Countertop Water Distiller Review

The VEVOR Water Distiller is a modern design water distiller.

It is wrapped by stainless-steel and food-grade plastic to make it more durable and has a handle on top of the distiller to make it easier to carry around.

The VEVOR water distiller can produce 6 gallons of distilled water in a day and has a separate 4.2 liters glass container to hold distilled water.

Another thing I like about this water distiller is the digital display and control screen, which allow you to control the temperature for different purposes like distilling alcohol.

The water distiller also comes with a temperature-protection feature to prevent overheat incident.

The large opening of the glass container makes it easy to clean and maintain.


  • Controllable temperature for distilling alcohol
  • Overheat protection
  • Smart and modern design with digital display


  • The temperature control feature is redundant for those who only need to distill water

6. Megahome Water Distiller Review

6. Megahome Water Distiller Review

The Megahome water distiller is another best water distiller that can produce about 4.5 gallons of distilled water per day.

The water distiller comes with activated charcoal filters to remove any residual contaminants from distilled water.

All the contact points to water are stainless steel to ensure no leaching during the process.

The Megahome water distiller is easy to clean and maintain, and the activated charcoal filter only needs to replace every one to two months.


  • High-quality 304 stainless steel material
  • Include activated charcoal filter
  • Can effectively remove contaminants


  • Nothing too specific to mention

7. Seeutek Water Alcohol Distiller Review

7. Seeutek Water Alcohol Distiller Review

The Seeutek 3 Gallon Water Alcohol Distiller is a two in one alcohol and water distiller.

This home water distiller has a built-in thermometer to allows you to monitor the internal temperature.

It comes with 3 available sizes to meet your requirement, which are 2 Gallon, 3 Gallon, and 5 Gallon.

The low price tag makes it one of the best budget water distillers for home use.

The water distiller also backed by a money-back guarantee for your peace of mind.

8. CNCShop Water Distiller Review

8. CNCShop Water Distiller Review

The CNCShop Water Distiller is one of the best budget water distillers you can buy for your home.

It is cheap, compact, and portable.

You can bring it along when traveling to enjoy clean and safe distilled water.

It has 4 liters boiling chamber to avoid frequent adding of water.

The water distiller comes with a safety power off the option to prevent overheating of the system and water.

If you want to drink distilled water but don’t wish to fork out much upfront investment, this is one for you.


  • Compact and portable
  • Auto power-off features
  • Simple to install and use


  • Nothing too specific to mention

What are Water Distillers

A water distiller is one of the common types of water purification systems that purify water to make it clean and drinkable through a process called distillation.

It has a steam chamber that used to boil and vaporize contaminated water and a condenser on top to collect the steam and cool it down to distilled water.

The distilled water will be collected by a separate water container through the nozzle of the water distiller.

To generate distilled water, just fill up the steam chamber and turn on the power will do, the process will take some time as there are a few processes that need to take place before you can get the distilled water, which is boiling, condensing, collecting, and cooling.

Distilled Water Application

Distilled water can be used on various applications such as:

  • Drinking – Distilled water is great for drinking due to its purity. It is free from harmful contaminants and microorganisms like bacteria and viruses.
  • Cooking – Distilled water is proven to clean vegetables best and won’t discolor the vegetables when cooking.
  • Washing Face – Distilled water is better than tap water when comes to washing your face.
  • Lab experiment – As distilled water is contaminants-free.
  • Surgery – Surgeons use distilled water to clean the equipment, their hands, and the patient’s wounds.
  • Medical Application – Distilled water is often used in medical institutes like hospitals, clinics, and dental clinics to clean medical equipment, tools, and instruments.
  • Dental – Dentists use distilled water to clean their equipment and for the patient to rinse their mouths.
  • Automotive – Distilled water is used to cool down the car engine. Normal tap water will cause rusting and corrosion in the vehicle’s cooling system due to mineral and heavy metal contents. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use distilled water instead of tap water to protect the cooling system and extend the lifespan.
  • Cosmetic – Distilled water is often used in the making of cosmetic products. Cosmetic products like moisturizers, serums, creams, and toners use distilled water as part of the ingredients as it doesn’t contain any harmful contaminants and bacteria.
  • Food processing – Distilled water is used for food-related processes and canned food.
  • Humidifier & Diffuser – Distilled water is the ideal choice to refill humidifiers or diffusers. As tap water may contain impurities like heavy metal, sediment, and organic compound, using it for a humidifier or diffuser may bring harmful effects to your health in long term. Besides, contaminants in tap water may clog the filter and damage the humidifier or diffuser. Therefore, it is recommended to add distilled water to a humidifier or diffuser to protect your family’s health and prolong the device’s lifespan.
  • Steam Iron – As distilled water doesn’t contain minerals like calcium, so it will not stain your clothing when steam ironing.
  • Watering Plants – Using distilled water to water your plants can prevent toxic build-up in the soil.
  • Aquarium – Distilled water is used to mix with specific minerals to produce the ideal water pH and environment for aquatic.
  • For Babies – Distilled water is free from harmful contaminants and bacteria, which is safe for your baby.

Advantages of Water Distiller for Home

There are many benefits of having a water distiller in your home, and here are some of them.

No filter cartridge replacement needed

All you need is a power socket to start producing clean distilled water for your family.


While it requires some investment in the upfront, but in the long run, it is much cheaper compared to drinking bottled water.

The best water distillers in the top 8 list will give you more return in terms of money, time, convenience, and health.

Purified Water

The water distillation process produces highly purified water that is free from a large spectrum of contaminants including heavy metals, microorganisms, dissolved solids, and pesticidesm making it an ideal choice for various applications like drinking, food production, laboratories, industrial, cosmetic, and more.

The water purification strength is similar to the Reverse Osmosis System.

Best part?

You can get the distilled water on demand with a home water distiller.

No need to go out to buy from the shop and can reduce plastic waste to protect our environment.

Compact Size

Water distillers are less bulky compared to some high-performance water filtration systems.

The smaller size allows you to move them easily while saving your precious space.

Affordable Price

You can get a decent water distiller at price below $100, which makes it an affordable choice for families with a tight budget.

Moreover, a good water distiller can last for many years and doesn’t require filter replacements.

It’s one of the most cost-effective water treatment systems to produce pure and clean drinking water for your whole family.

Disadvantages of Water Distiller for Home

Here are some of the main disadvantages of water distillers.

Distillation Rate

Water distillers have a low production rate compared to other types of the water purification system, which is the main drawback of them.

To ensure you have clean distilled water to drink, you will have to turn on the water distiller in advance to prepare distilled water.

Require Electricity

A water distiller requires electricity to operate, which limits to location it can put and its usability.

Common Myths About Drinking Distilled Water

Here are the scientific answers to some of the common myths about distilled water consumption.

1. Distilled Water is Bad for You as It Does not Contain Minerals

Minerals in water only make up a small percentage in our daily value requirements, and you should get most of the minerals from foods and not water.

Drinking distilled water is good for your body because it is clean and safe from harmful contaminants.

2. Distilled Water is Bad for Your Teeth

This is a false statement with no scientific proof. Drinking distilled water has no relation with your teeth, it is just a clean and purified H2O.

Some claim that the distilled water does not contain fluoride, which is a compound that is good for teeth, but the thing is, the tiny amount of fluoride in your tap water won’t make any significant impact on your teeth, so get the fluoride for your teeth from toothpaste instead.

How A Water Distiller Works: Understanding the Water Distilling Process

Wondering how distilled water is produced? Here is the process of water distillation:

  1. The water flows into the boiling chamber and gets heat up to the boiling point, which evaporates the water into steam.
  2. The steam rises and travels to the condenser tube via the stainless-steel vent inside the boiling chamber, leaving the contaminants behind.
  3. The condenser tube converts the steam into distilled water droplets by cooling the steam with a fan.
  4. The distilled water flows through an activated carbon filter to remove any residual contaminants that entered the condenser tube by turning it into gases along with the steam.
  5. The clean distilled water is kept in a storage tank for ready use.

Note: Water distillation is a lengthy process that takes about 3 to 6 hours to distill a gallon of water.

How to Choose the Best Water Distiller for Home (Buyer Guide)

Water distillers are a great solution for safe and clean drinking water, so is worth every money you spend.

It is one of the best investments you can make for the health of your family.

But with so many options available in the market, it is hard to determine which one is the best water distiller for your family.

Hence, this buying guide is created with the purpose to guide in the purchase making process.

This guide will teach you what to consider when choosing the best water distillers for home or office.

To avoid regret after purchase, here are some important factors that you need to take into account when deciding on a water distiller.


Generally, home water distillers are inexpensive, making them an affordable choice for clean drinking water.

The price range can vary depending on features, capacity, brands, and quality, so you should choose according to what you need and your budget.

Please bear in mind that the most expensive one doesn’t mean it is the best for you, the same applied to the cheapest one.

You could get a decent water distiller at around $100 to $150.

In this best water distillers review, I’ve filtered out those distillers that cost more than they supposed to, so you can choose from the list without worrying about the value of the product.

Size of the Water Distiller

There are two parts you need to consider, which are the boiling chamber and the storage container.

Generally, the larger the boiling chamber, the less frequent you need to refill the water.

Same for the water tank, the larger it is, the more distilled water you can store before moving it to other containers.

However, if you do not have a large countertop space, then you should gauge between the convenient and space concerns to come with the best size of the water distiller.

For instance, if your family’s daily water consumption is 4 liters, you can get a water distiller with a 2 to 4 liters chamber so you only need to refill once a day at most.

Distillation Rate

The higher the distillation rate, the more distilled water it can produce every hour.

If your family’s demand for distilled water is high, it is recommended to get a water distiller with a fast distillation rate.

A water distiller with good efficiency should be able to produce around 1 liter of distilled water per hour.

Some models of water distillers offer a slightly faster distillation rate to meet higher demand on distilled water.

If that is what you need, then choose the water distiller with a higher distillation rate.


The product material is important too, especially the chamber and the holding jug.

Most water distillers’ bodies are made of plastic or stainless steel, whereas the jugs are made of plastic, stainless steel, or glass.

Make sure all the parts that in touch with water are made from 304 stainless-steel or any high-grade materials.

If it is made of plastic, make sure the plastic material is BPA-free to prevent the leaching of chemicals into the distilled water.

For the exterior body and water tank, it should be stainless-steel or food-grade BPA-free plastic for safety reasons.

Activated Carbon Filter

Depending on your water quality, if it is bad and contain contaminants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), choose the best water distiller with an activated carbon filter to remove any residual contaminants that have a lower boiling point then water.


Certifications are not mandatory but good to have for quality assurance.

If a water distiller is certified by a third-party organization like NSF or WQA, its performance and quality are tested and proven.


A product like a water distiller must be backed by a warranty.

If there is no warranty, don’t even consider it.

It needs to have a warranty like free return, free repair, free parts, or even refund.

Usually, water distiller manufacturers that are confident about their products will provide a warranty of at least 1 year.

Customer Support

Make sure the water distiller brands that you are going buy have a customer support team to back you up in case of any issue arise during the installation or use.

Read the reviews of the water distillers to see is there any complaints about customer service before you buy to avoid an unpleasant experience.

Installation & Maintenance

No installation is required for home water distillers, just plug and play.

For water distillers that come with an activated carbon filter, you need to flush it for 5 to 10 minutes first before use.


During the distillation process, the water is boil and turn into steam, leaving the contaminants in the distiller chamber.

Therefore, a water distiller required regular cleaning to remove the leftover contaminants.

If the water distiller contains a filter, you will also need to replace it periodically according to its lifespan.

Summary for the Best Water Distillers for Home

Here is the summary and comparison table of the top 8 best home water distillers.

ModelDistillation Rate (GPD)Price
H2o Labs Water Distiller4$$
Pure Water Mini-Classic CT Distiller6.4$$$
CO-Z Water Distiller6$
Waterwise 9000 Water Distiller5$$$
VEVOR Countertop Water Distiller6$
Megahome Water Distiller4.5$$
Seeutek Water Alcohol Distiller6$
CNCShop Water Distiller6$

FAQ for Home Water Distiller

1. Is drinking distilled water good for you?

Yes, distilled water is clean and free from harmful contaminants, which is great for your health.

2. Can babies drink distilled water?

Yes, distilled water is perfectly safe for babies. In fact, it is the best type of water for babies.

3. Is boiled water the same as distilled water?

No. It is completely different. Boiled water will still contain dissolved solids and heavy metals but distilled water (steam from boiled water) is free from most contaminants.

4. Can water distillers remove all contaminants in water?

The answer is no. Some contaminants may have boiling points lower than water, which means they can evaporate as gases and condensed with distilled water, so you can see many models of water distillers have an activated carbon filter to deal with these contaminants.

5. How to store distilled water?

You may store the distilled water using a container made of BPA-free plastic or glass.

6. How long the distilled water can last?

The distilled water can last for years if stored properly, however, we recommend you to consume it within 3 to 6 months.

7. How frequently do you need to clean the water distiller?

It depends on your water quality and usage. Generally, it is recommended to clean your water distiller once or twice a week. If your water quality is very bad, then it is better to clean it after each use to prevent limescale.

8. Can I use a water distiller without post-activated carbon filter?

While distillation process remove most of the contaminants, however, some contaminants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can evaporate with water into gas form and condense back into liquid form.

Hence, it is highly recommended to get a water distiller with post-activated carbon filter to remove any residual contaminant and improve the water taste as well.

9. Can I stop the water distiller half-way?

Yes. You may turn off your water distiller half-way and turn it on when you are ready to resume it.


Water distillation in one of the most effective water purification methods to remove contaminants and produce clean and safe water for your family.

Decades ago, the water distillation process is only available to industrial applications, but with the advancement of technology, now every household can have one in their house.

I hope this review of best water distillers for home will help you up in choosing the right water distiller.

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1 thought on “8 Best Water Distillers for Home Review 2024: Expert’s Picks”

  1. Sharon Rodriguez Burns

    Thank you for this list of water distillers. I’ve been looking for one for all my covid plants I acquired this year! What I would like is information on home water softeners. One that’s drinkable where the water taste good. Look forward to your response. Thanks!

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